What Exactly Does Treating Meth Addiction Mean? How To Frame Meth Addiction Treatment
When you accept that meth addiction treatment is the only way for you to retake control of your life and get out of the vicious addiction cycle, you start wondering what treating meth addiction actually means. Can you compare it to treating a cold? What will be provided? Who will be involved? What interventions will be used in treating meth addiction? Before you commit to meth addiction treatment, you deserve to have a better understanding of what it involves.
What Is the Goal of Treatment for Meth Addiction?
To understand what happens in meth addiction treatment, you need to understand the goals of this type of rehab. Obviously, one goal is decreasing or entirely ceasing meth use. But, that isnít the only thing the programs are trying to help you with. They also want to return you to healthy functioning in your family, your community, and your responsibilities.
How Are These Goals Achieved?
In general, treating meth addiction uses behavioral therapy, education, and support groups. As meth addiction treatment tends to be less rigorous than opiate or weed user treatment, there are no medications approved to assist with meth addiction treatment withdrawal or cravings. Instead, you learn:
- How meth addiction functions
- How to identify the beliefs and attitudes that lead to your meth use
- How to modify those beliefs in order to disrupt the meth use
- How to take responsibility for your addiction
- How to improve your relationships
- How to cope with cravings
- How to be social once more
- Skills that help you maintain your meth abstinence
Does Treating Meth Addiction Provide Me with a Cure?
Although there are many benefits to treating meth addiction in a formal, professional program, a cure isnít one of them. Addiction is a chronic disease and that means that it cannot be cured with medication. But behavioral changes can lead to management of meth addiction symptoms.
Meth Addiction Treatment Depends Upon Peer Interaction; Treating Meth Addiction with Equals
The Alcoholics Anonymous program often references ìaddicts helping addicts because they are a peer support organization. This idea is also integral to meth addiction treatment, where group therapy and support groups are common. In order to engage in treatment and maintain a steady trajectory in your recovery, you need to take advantage of peer interactions.
Addiction and Isolation
When your meth addiction is active, you must separate yourself from the people who would stand in the way of you using more meth. Further, you are spending all of your time using meth so you donít have time for connections with others. Over time, this can leave you socially isolated. You start to feel like you are the only one who is going through this progression.
Treating Meth Addiction Connects You to Others
When you are in meth addiction treatment, you will experience individual therapy, but the majority of the time, you will be in a group setting. If you are in inpatient care, you will sleep in a room with other people. Your meals will be taken in groups. In both inpatient and outpatient, you will participate in therapy, meetings, and educational settings in which you are one person in a group.
What Is the Benefit of These Connections?
Every individual will access different benefits, but many of the available advantages include:
- The chance to get help with problem solving
- The chance to share your personal stories with people who truly understand
- The chance to enrich your spiritual values
- The chance to socialize safely and without pressure
- The chance to learn new skills
- The chance to practice your social skills
- The chance to provide service to your peers
- The chance to develop leadership skills
These benefits are continuously available and will make a difference in treating meth addiction. Research shows peer support promotes a sense of community and that is key to wellbeing and recovery.
The Most Important Element in Treating Meth Addiction Is You; You Need to Be Motivated in Meth Addiction Treatment
Meth addiction treatment involves behavioral therapy in groups, with family, and in one-on-one sessions. There will be support group meetings. You will go through detox. You will take educational sessions and learn about meth addiction. But, none of these elements will guarantee success. The one consistent element that runs through every component of treating meth addiction is you. Without your dedication and engagement, you will not create a sound foundation for your recovery and you may even leave treatment before it is completed.
What Is Motivation?
Loosely, motivation is something that affects what you feel, think, and do. It is the reason or reasons you have for acting in a specific way. Everyone is motivated by different things. For example, the motivators that led you to use meth are not the same as those experienced by all people. In recovery, your motivators will also be individual.
In order to decide what motivates you, you need to concentrate on your personal reasons for treating meth addiction. You should have thoughts, physical feelings, emotions, behaviors, and situations that motivate you to engage.
How Do I Stay Motivated?
When you are participating in meth addiction treatment, it is difficult. This can leave you feeling unmotivated. Rather than give in to these doubts and negative emotions, remember to:
Keep it simple: break large goals into smaller ones
Affirm yourself: foster a positive self-view by focusing on your positive traits and accomplishments
Celebrate your accomplishments: acknowledge each goal met, no matter how small
Create a support network: surround yourself with positive people
Maintain structure: follow a daily routine
Don’t Remain Ambivalent
If you are of two minds about treating meth addiction, it can be dangerous. You must have good reasons to get sober and maintain it. Until you can get motivated, your sobriety will remain weak and could be undermined by a small upset.